Model ERC 1000

Model ERC 1000


Our product is specially designed to clean the ticked Diesel particulate filter, catalytic converter in diesel vehicles with medicated hot water. It consists of two stages: hot and cold. With a 3000-watt Resistor, enough medicine is added to the water, which is increased to 85 Degrees Celsius in 20 minutes in the water tank. Medicated hot water, which is absorbed by means of an engine, passes through the medicated water filter coming out of the pipes and particulate filters and reaches the water reservoir again. This process continues until the cleaning is finished. After the cleaning process is over, the water connected to the machine from the city network for rinsing purposes is discharged to the cold Water reservoir by passing through the same roads and is passed from the drain part of the reservoir to the machine tooth. In the continuation of these processes, drying takes place on a semi-machine with a conveyor that generates air to dry the micro-samples contained in the particulate filter

The particulate filter holder located at the top of the machine is made with a finomatic system and is designed to fully grasp the particulate filter with the help of a foot pedal.